May 1, 2022, Start: 7:00 am (CEST)
live & online
For all martial artists with and without special needs
Train live at home with martial arts experts from around the world
After the great success of 20/21, we are sending a message to the world again this year: The spirit of our martial arts knows no boundaries! Our event is independent of martial arts and associations. Anyone interested can participate. Free!
- Date: Sunday, May 1st
- Masters: Martial arts masters from all over the world
- Start: 07:00 am CEST
- End: approx. 11:00 pm CEST
- Duration: per unit / teacher: 30 min
- Limited number of participants: 300 per unit
- Costs for participants: none!
- Voluntary donation: 100% of a voluntary donation goes to karate athletes with Down syndrome
Register now World Budo Day!
You will receive the access link a few days before World Budo Day.
Our martial arts experts
25 masters from all over the world
Central European Summer Time
07:00 - 07:30 - Claudiu Mihaila 🇪🇸 Qigong and Tai Chi
07:40 - 08:10 - Toshihito Kokobun 🇯🇵 Karate
08:20 - 08:50 - João Cardiga 🇵🇹 Karate
Cardiga Sensei’s training will be focused on Kihon Kumite. He will particularly focus on the use of the hip when performing Gyaku-Tzuki. This training is suitable for all levels.
09:00 - 09:30 - Shane Dorfman 🇿🇦 Karate
Shane Dorfman Sensei will present some of Yahara Sensei’s methods of generating electricity on World Budo Day. It will be Kihon with Kumite application. He concentrates on Budo, not sport karate training.
09:40 - 10:10 - Trevor Roberts 🇦🇺 Karate
Sensei Trevor Roberts is a former national team coach from Australia with experience of martial arts since over 45 years.
This year Trevor Sensei will do Kihon-Kumite, Jo-Dan, Chu-Dan up to all kicks. And this for the basic level.
If time permits, we will advance Kihon-Kumite with a minor change to the blocking with Mawashi-Uki.
10:20 - 10:50 - Seiji Nishimura 🇯🇵 Karate
Nishimura Sensei will demonstrate close combat techniques in the Kumite on World Budo Day.
11:00 - 11:30 - Claus Fröhlich 🇩🇪 Kobudo
11:40 - 12:10 - Gunar Weichert 🇩🇪 Karate
Gunar Weichert Sensei will carry out a very demanding training „from Kihon to Kata with Kumite techniques“. The training is intended for the upper level!
12:20 - 12:50 - Roland Heimgartner 🇨🇭 Karate
Roland Heimgartner Sensei writes the following about his planned unit:
How to enhance your basic technics in the sense of budo by using your body over muscle. Generate power with lightness, everybody can get strong, no matter what size or age.
Following information helps you to become a better karateka
Budō is translated as „martial way“ or „the way of war“ . Budo gives attention to the physical part of fighting (how to best defeat an enemy) and also to the mind and how one should develop oneself.
Ways to speed up your technics following body mechanics so that your movements are light, fast, powerful and efficient
– be relaxed in your shoulders
– wrist rotation (whip effect)
– pull action of your core and hips
– following the lighter part (Arm follows the fist)
– use gravitation
– understand rotation by the 3 axis
– posture of your bones
– linear action
– pivoting
– expansion/compression
– cutting of unwanted movements
– inner core tension for preparedness
– breathing
– mood
Put Power into your technics with balance, speed and timing through stances, trajectories of technics and final position of technics. All these improves your kime.
– use gravitation
– hip rotation
– expansion/compression
– use of your left and right axis
– heel action
– be grounded
– quick muscle contraction
Daily practice speed, balance, timing and power with kihon. You will improve rapidly in kata and kumite.
13:00 - 13:30 - Tarek Amin 🇩🇪 Thai Bo
Tarek is a qualified mental trainer, martial arts trainer and since 17 years, he has been running his own dojo „Champion Martial Art & CrossFight“ in Constance, Germany.
Together with you, Tarek practices the Thai Bo sport, which is a mix of different martial arts. Thai Bo is a comprehensive fitness program to improve your condition. Elements from various martial arts, such as Karate or Boxing, are combined with classic Aerobics and fast, motivating music for a workout with a high training effect.
Physical fitness is not a requirement 😉
13:40 - 14:10 - Uwe Schwehm 🇩🇪 Karate
Sensei Uwe Schwehm. He is one of the most successful coaches in Germany at national and international level and has the 7th Dan in Karate (DKV / WKF).
14:15 - 14:30 - Paola Sbriccoli 🇮🇹 IKONS
14:40 - 15:10 - Eva Kathrein 🇦🇹 Inclusive Karate
The Karate trainer and sports physiotherapist from Austria is committed to conveying the joy of healthy exercise to persons at all age.
At the World Budo-Day, Eva will offer a special training for people with and without special cognitive needs and show that Karate is simply for everyone. Martial arts have no limits!
15:20 - 15:50 - Willy Voss 🇩🇪 Karate
Willy Voss Sensei wird den alten Karate Stil „Kaiten-Jutsu Shotokan Ryu“ erklären.
Mitmachen kann man ab Orange-Gurt aufwärts! Das Training ist auch für alle Trainer sehr empfehlenswert.
„Kaiten-Jutsu“ bedeutet die „Kunst der Drehung“. Ohne Drehung/Rotation wenig Schwung, wenig Geschwindigkeit
Karate muss, so Voss
- körpergerecht sein
- funktionieren
- anwendbar sein (auch für „schwächere Menschen“)
Ohne vertikale Rotation geht beim Karate, Speerwerfen, Kugelsoßen, Diskuswerfen, Tennis usw. nichts.
Am Programm steht:
- Die Kunst der vertikalen Drehung/Rotation von Hüfte-Rumpf-Schulter
- Die Kunst des Mae-Geri mit vertikaler Hüftrotation
- Die Kunst der Drehung/Rotation von Fuß und Faust
- Die Kunst der Koordination der Bewegungskopplung, die Bewegungs-Explosion startet im Fuß,
über das Knie-Bein, dann über die vertikale Hüfte-Rumpf-Schulter Rotation in die Arm und Faust Rotation
- Die Kunst der Zerlegung der Technik in Einzelteile, wo beginnt – wo endet die Technik
16:00 - 16:30 - Luis Maria Sanz 🇪🇸 Karate
16:40 - 17:10 - Silvio Campari 🇮🇹 Karate
Silvio Campari is a master student of Shihan Shirai and he was one of the most successful karate athletes in Italy. He is a multiple European and World Champion in Kumite, Enbu and Fukugo.
17:20 - 17:50 - Yuri Shirai 🇮🇹 Odaka Yoga
Maestra Yuri Shirai introduces the very innovative yoga style Odaka.
This Odaka Yoga includes three important concepts. The first are movements that are similar to ocean waves. This allows techniques to flow without difficulty, but through body biomechanics. The second point is Bushido, the way of the warriors. Our minds are free to flow and it is not so important to achieve the yoga pose as the transition in order to achieve a pose. The last point is Prana, internal energy. This is the key to our wellbeing and health.
Maestra Yuri will practice the Odaka sun salutation suitable for all levels.
18:00 - 18:30 - Ofelio Michielan 🇮🇹 Karate
Sensei Ofelio Michielan, 7. Dan, Ren Bu Kan Trevisio, Italien
is an Italian master with over 45 years of Budo experience. In 1971 he founded the Karate Shotokan School in Treviso. In the past, he won the Italian championships in Kumite and Kata several times and also won many championships in Europe and worldwide.
At World Budo Day he will show attack and defense techniques with the open hand, for an advanced level.
18:40 - 19:10 - Wayne Otto 🇳🇴+🇬🇧 Karate
Wayne Otto will teach competition kumite on World Budo Day. It also shows the differences to the Kumite in the past (when he himself took part in the world championships) and today.
19:20 - 19:50 - Lothar Kniebel 🇩🇪 Wing Chun
20:00 - 20:30 - Stefan Mayr 🇦🇹 Karate
Stefan Mayr Sensei, 5th Dan, karate
Shotokan world and European champions, Austria
Stefan Mayr Sensei practices keri techniques (leg techniques) in Kihon Karate in his lesson. He tries to make the transition from simple individual techniques to complex combinations. The correct use of the hips also plays an important role in his training. The unit is suitable for both slightly advanced karateka up to very high level.
20:40 - 21:10 - Franck Duboisse 🇧🇪 Inclusive Karate
Franck Duboisse is one of the most successful karate athletes in wheelchair karate and a multiple Karate World Champion in various world associations.
At the World Budo-Day, he will train a kata with you while you are sitting, so you need a chair or a wheelchair. Martial Arts have no limits!
21:20 - 21:50 - Mike Sarnitz 🇦🇹 Kyudo
22:00 - 22:30 - Antonio Diaz 🇻🇪 Karate
22:40 - 23:10 - Kevin Funakoshi 🇯🇵 Karate
23:15 - 23:40 - Karl Grandt / Lothar Kniebel 🇩🇪 Inklusion braucht Aktion

Technical details you need to join the World Budo Day
The most important is an internet-enabled PC or Mac or a mobile device with a built-in (or external) camera.
And of course an internet connection!
That’s it!
Now just click on the meeting link that we will send you shortly before your session and you’re there! You don’t have to install the Zoom app. You can also participate from your browser. However, in order to get a better training experience, we recommend to install the Zoom app.
Download: Zoom Client for Meetings
Download: Zoom Mobile App
If you need help or have technical questions, you will find answers here:
Register now World Budo Day!
You will receive the access link a few days before World Budo Day.

We ask for a small donation

Foto: Anina & Mathias
Our World Budo Day is completely free! All trainers and masters also teach free of charge. But we ask you for a little support. Not for us! For our karate group for people with Down syndrome. This group is very important to us and we have been training with them for 2 years. The joy and fun of karate means a lot to these people. Please support them!

Foto: Silvia & Valentin
Donation account Down Syndrome
Raiffeisenbank im Rheintal
IBAN: AT43 3742 0000 0015 6315
World Budo Day 20
Wonderful moments